Bacteriological quality of raw meat displayed for sale at Sokoto, Sokoto state, Nigeria
Bacteria, Coliform counts, Meat, QualityAbstract
This study was conducted to determine the bacteriological quality of raw meat on sale at the Sokoto Fish and Meat market. 120 samples each of meat and 1cm2 table top surface swab were collected and analyzed microbiologically for total viable count (TAC) and total coliform (TCC). The mean viable count for meat samples was 4.52x106 cfu/cm2 and the mean coliform count was 2.34x106 cfu/cm2. The mean viable count for meat table surface was 4.21x106 cfu/cm2, while the mean coliform was 2.17 x106 cfu/cm2. A total of 10 different bacterial isolates from both the raw meat and table top swabs were obtained, these isolates include Escherichia coli [49(25.3%)] and [21(19.0%)] which was the most predominant, followed by Enterobacter spp [31(16.0%)] and [15(13.5%)], Bacillus spp [27(14.0%)] and [24(21.6%)], Staphylococcus aureus [26(13.4%)] and [29(26.1%)], Salmonella spp [16(8.2%)] and [6(5.4%)], Klebsiella spp [13(6.7%)] and [0(0.0%)], Proteus vulgaris [12(6.2%)] and [6(5.4%)], Shigella spp [9(4.6%)] and [3(2.7%)], Streptococcus spp [8(4.1%)] and [7(6.3%)], Citrobacter spp [3(1.5%)] and [0(0.0%)] which was less predominant. This study reveals that raw meat displayed for sale at the open market are often contaminated with bacteria. The presence of higher number of pathogenic Escherichia coli, Enterobacter spp, Bacillus spp, and Salmonella among others, encountered in raw meat from conventional beef is alarming. The presence of these organisms in meat foods and table surface should receive particular attention, because their presence indicate public health hazard and give warning signal for the possible occurrence of food borne intoxication.
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