Isolation and identification of bacteria from upper respiratory tract of Black Bengal goat in Bangladesh and investigation of some epidemiological parameters related to pneumonia
Antibiogram; Black Bengal Goat; Bangladesh; Epidemiology; Respiratory systemAbstract
Goat pneumonia (commonly known as goat shipping fever) is a common disease in Bangladesh affecting mostly at early age. The present study was aimed to isolation and identification of the associated bacteria and to investigate some epidemiological parameters relating to respiratory diseases especially pneumonia in Black Bengal Goat, identification of the associated bacteria and their antibiogram studies. A total of 50 respiratory samples (nasopharyngeal swab) were collected. The associated bacteria were isolated and identified through commonly used bacteriological and biochemical methods. Besides, some epidemiological parameters related to goat pneumonia were investigated by direct observation and interviews of the owners. On the basis of morphology, staining, cultural and biochemical characteristics, the isolated organisms were identified as Escherichia coli (23%), Staphylococcus spp. (15%) and Bacillus spp. (8%). No bacteria could be isolated from 5(10%) samples. The isolated bacteria were found pathogenic in day-old-mice. The Staphylococcus spp. was highly sensitive to Erythromycin and resistant to Trimethoprim and Metronidazole. On the other hand, Nalidixic acid was found to be highly sensitive against Bacillus spp. Similarly, E. coli was highly sensitive to Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacillin and Enrofloxacin. The pneumonia was found severe in the cases of mixed bacterial infection. Pneumonia was found prevalent mostly in young (neonatal kid), female, poorly nourished goats reared in unhygienic and high humid conditions. Rainy season and inappropriate management practices also influenced the occurrence of the disease. The findings of this study would enable the goat farmers to keep good health of goat population thus would increase productivity.
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