New elite sugarcane varieties, 'Tafach Shenkora' and 'Kay Shenkora', for commercial production in Ethiopia
Sugarcane landrace, Variety registration, Tafach Shenkora, Kay ShenkoraAbstract
'Tafach Shenkora' and 'Kay Shenkora' sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) are the names assigned to sugarcane varieties with accession numbers Acc. 43 and Acc. 139, respectively. They were developed by Sugar Corporation, Research and Development and were registered and released in June 2019 by the National Variety Releasing Committee of Ethiopia to growers in three sugar estates in Ethiopia. 'Tafach Shenkora' and 'Kay Shenkora' were selected from local landraces collected during 2010/11 from different geographic regions across Ethiopia. The released varieties 'Tafach Shenkora' and 'Kay Shenkora' have high sugar yield (by 29.6% and 28.4%, respectively), early maturity and yield stability across locations compared to the standard check B52298. They also showed resistance to smut caused by Ustilago scitaminea. The average sugar yield for Tafach Shenkora and Kay Shenkora was 26.14 and 25.88 tons ha-1, respectively. These cultivars are the first of their kind to be released from sugarcane landraces collected in Ethiopia.
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