Verification of foliar fertilizer (Fertigofol Ultra) to improve yield, yield related traits and quality of durum wheat


  • Mengistu Bogale Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Sinana Agricultural Research Center, Bale-Robe, Ethiopia.


Durum wheat, Fertigofol Ultra, Foliar application, Parameters


A field experiment was conducted to maximize durum wheat yield and quality through foliar application of Fertigofol Ultras with and without inorganic fertilizer DAP and Urea. DAP and Urea were added to the first plot at the rate of 100 kg ha-1 and 200kg ha-1, respectively with 5L ha-1 Fertigofol Ultra. The second plot was treated with the same amount of DAP and Urea with plot number one and 2.5L ha-1 Fertigofol Ultra. Only DAP and Urea were added to plot number three with the same rate with plot number one and two while the fourth plot remained without DAP, Urea and Fertigofol Ultra.  Results indicated that application of DAP, Urea and Fertigofol Ultra at the rate of 5L ha-1 significantly (0.05) increased plant height, spike length, kernels spike-1, bio-mass yield, grain yield and protein %. The highest grain yield (5000 kg/ha), bio-mass yield (11083 kg/ha), 1000 grains weight (49.3g) and Protien %(13.9) were recorded for the treatment 100kg DAP+200kgUrea+5L Fertigofol Ultra. Results suggested that foliar application of Fertigofol Ultra along with basal application of recommended rate of DAP and Urea increased yield and quality parameters of durum wheat. Hence foliar application of Fertigofol Ultra along with basal doses of DAP and Urea are recommended to increase durum wheat yield and quality due to its low dose and low cost per unit area as compared to soil applications of nutrients.


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How to Cite

Bogale, M. (2020). Verification of foliar fertilizer (Fertigofol Ultra) to improve yield, yield related traits and quality of durum wheat. Scientific Journal of Crop Science, 9(5), 435-437. Retrieved from



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