Presentation of an intraoral approach for mandibular alveolar nerve block in cattle: Cadaveric study
Intraoral, Nerve block, Mandibular, Alveolar, CattleAbstract
The mandibular alveolar nerve at the point of entry at the mandibular foremen was anatomically determined in bovine in order to distinguish the capability to reach the nerve via the oral cavity. The mandibular nerve provided sensation to the check teeth, tongue and mandible. Desensitization of the mandibular alveolar nerve enables surgeons to perform effectively and safely in these structures. Extra and intraoral approaches of the mandibular alveolar nerve block are well recognized in human and horses. An intraoral approach to the mandibular alveolar nerve in bovine was presented in the present study based on the anatomical findings. It is hypothesized that the approach was reliable, applicable and safer than the extraoral method.
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