Reproduction in the one humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) in semi arid Nigeria
One -humped camel, Nigeria, Reproduction, Semi aridAbstract
This review examines the one humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) a considerable number of the dromedary about 50,000 is found in the semi-arid part of Northern Nigeria. Apart from the wide use of the camel as a draught animal the camel now serve as a source of milk, meat and hide in this region, these notes examines the anatomical basis of reproduction, pregnancy, and its diagnosis, fertility, and the application of modern techniques in camel reproduction. Different techniques and equipments are now being employed for explicit study of the reproductive processes in the camel. Transrectal ultrasaonographic scanning machine is now being used to study ovulation pattern and timing, video endoscopic hysteroscopy is another technique employed to study various aspects of the camel conceptus. Techniques like oestrous synchronization, super ovulation, semen collection artificial insemination, embryo recovery and transfer are all used in the study of camel.References
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