Attraction of eyestalk ablated Lymnaea acuminata towards the different photo and chemo stimulants


  • D.K. Singh Malacology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur-273 009, U.P. INDIA
  • A.P. Tripathi Department of Zoology, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur UP India


Lymnaea acuminata; eye ablation; uninfected and infected snails; wavelength; time; monochromatic light


In the eye of Lymnaea acuminata cornea, lens, microvillar layer, pigmented layer, cell layer and photoreceptors works in well organized manner and respond to photic stimulation. In the present study attraction of eye stalk ablated snail Lymnaea acuminata towards the different visible monochromatic light was studied. The photosensitivity of snails to different monochromatic light was wavelength as well as time dependent. In left or right eye stalk ablated snails response to monochromatic light was noted after 3 and 7 days of ablation. However, when both eyes were ablated the response to photic stimulation was observed after 9 days.  This functional recovery indicates that type and number of photoreceptors as well as their regenerative capacity are not same in left and right eye of uninfected and infected snails. Sixty minute exposure of red light+ serine as chemo stimulant in bait, caused maximum attraction of snails (62%) than single exposure of chemo (36%) or red (26%) light stimulus.


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How to Cite

Singh, D. ., & Tripathi, A. . (2013). Attraction of eyestalk ablated Lymnaea acuminata towards the different photo and chemo stimulants. Scientific Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(5), 94-104. Retrieved from



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