Haematologic and Biochemical Indices of Plasmodium falciparum Infected Inhabitants of Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria
Haemoglobin;Packed cell volume;Erythrocyte sedimentation rate;Fasting blood sugar;Malaria;Plasmodium falciparumAbstract
The present study seeks to investigate changesin haematologic and biochemical indices of moderately P. falciparum infectedmale inhabitants of Owerri Municipality. Haematologic and biochemical indiceswere estimated by spectrophotometric methods. Haemoglobin concentrations ofmalarious subjects within age brackets of 11-20 and 21-31 years were belowreference interval; [Hb]M;11-21 years = 10.53±0.23 g/dL (p > 0.05); [Hb] M;21-31 years = 11.51±1.10 g/dL (p > 0.05). There was no significantdifference (p < 0.05) in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) between thetwo malarious groups; ESRM; 11-20 years = 29.80±0.74 mm/h; ESRM; 21-31 years =26.51±1.42 mm/h. Packed cell volume (PCV) of malarious subject gave thefollowing values: PCV%M; 11-20 years = 26.82±0.78; PCV%M; 21-31 years =25.82±0.78; p < 0.05. Serum white blood cell count (WBC) was raised inmalarious subjects compared to control groups (p < 0.05) excerpt withWBC×103M; 21-30 years = 13.77±3.95; p < 0.05. Serum albumin was lower inmalarious subjects; [Albumin]M; 11-20 years = 4.70±0.05 mg/dL and [Albumin]M;21-31 years = 4.31±0.09 mg/dL; p < 0.05, whereas, serum creatinineconcentrations of malarious subjects gave higher values: [Creatinine]M; 11-20years = 0.88±0.71 mg/dL and [Creatinine]M; 21-31 years = 1.14±0.42 mg/dL; p< 0.05. Serum urea concentrations of malarious subjects were significantly(p > 0.05) higher than the corresponding non-malarious age group. Serumfasting blood sugar (FBS) was significantly (p > 0.05) lower in malariousgroups compared to corresponding non-malarious subjects. Specifically, [FBS]M;11-20 years = 63.34±1.66 mg/dL and [FBS]M; 21-31 years = 69.45±1.25 mg/dL; p> 0.05. Subjects with moderate malaria infection showed symptoms of anaemia,alterations in nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism,exemplified by raised serum level of urea and low level of FBS.
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