Variations in body measurements and live weight of indigenous goat populations of Mahoba In Bundelkhand


  • Sudhir Kumar Rawat Subject Matter Specialist (Animal Husbandry), K.V.K, Mohoba, U.p., India
  • Sarju Narayan Assistant Professor – Agril. Ext. Brahmanand Mahavidyalaya, Rath (Hamirpur) India
  • Sudhakar Dwivedi Associate Professor Div. of A.E. & S, S.K.U.A.S.T. Jammu, India


Body measurement, Bundelkhand, goat, Mahoba


This study was conducted to describe in morphometrical traits and body weight (BW) of indigenous goat populations reared in Belatal, Ajnar, Chhitarwara, Lamaura and Budhaura village of Jaitpur block in Mahoba. Data were obtained from 549 goats from 107 households. The BW and height at withers (HW) in Ajnar, Belatal and Budhaura doe aged 1-2 years were significantly high compared to others. Doe of Budhaura, Ajnar, Belatal and Chhitarwara had significantly high body length (BL). Significantly high chest girth (CG) values were obtained from Chhitarwara had Budhaura doe. Buck of Ajnar, Belatal and Lamaura had significantly high BW, BL and HW.  Body weight of Belatal, Ajnar and Chhitarwara doe aged 1-2 years and bucks were better estimated using CG alone. However, the best predictor for Belatal, Ajnar and Chhitarwara doe aged 1-2 years old were CG, HW and BL. CG was the primary variable to explain most of the variations in BW. Budhaura and Ajnar goat had a relatively large body frame and emphasis may be given for their improvement.


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How to Cite

Kumar Rawat, S. ., Narayan, S. ., & Dwivedi, S. . (2015). Variations in body measurements and live weight of indigenous goat populations of Mahoba In Bundelkhand. Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 4(5), 65-71. Retrieved from



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