Development and promotion of village chickens subgroups to counteract the adverse effects of climate change in Sub Saharan Africa
Village chicken, Climate change, Sub Saharan AfricaAbstract
Smallholder agriculture sector which harbors different village chickens ecotypes/varieties/strains is one of the most susceptible to the adverse effects of climate change due to its low adaptive potentiality. As of now, the sector is facing scores of challenges due to unpredictable environmental consequences of climate change which have impinged on village/indigenous/local/native chicken production systems. The adverse effects associated with climate change which can impact negatively on village chicken production systems being diminished water resources, changes in the rainfall form and abundance, elevated temperature regime, unpredictable seasonal distortion, dwindling of feed resources and prevalence of uncommon diseases and parasites. Therefore, it is assumed that the development and promotion of certain village chicken outstanding subgroups such as the necked necks become critical in sustaining productivity. Village chickens are excellent for their adaptability and tolerant to local diseases and harsh environmental conditions. Structural, functional and feeding behavior of some village chicken strains will play a critical role in enhancing production, reproduction and survival in these adverse conditions. As a result, it is appropriate to develop and promote village chicken subgroups through within population selection. Adaptive management and anticipatory learning approach in village chicken development and promotion is suggested. The preceding review attempt to explore the likely effect of animal species selection, such as promoting village chickens genetic resources in smallholder rural farming sector in tackling climate change challenges. Strategic development and promotion of village chickens, which target both productivity and adaptability traits will greatly help in improving the welfare of the rural folk through substantiating their resilience.
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