Non genetic factors affecting calf growth traits in mashona cattle


  • T. N. Mangwiro Bindura University of Science Education. Private Bag 1020, Bindura. Zimbabwe
  • M. Dhliwayo Bindura University of Science Education. Private Bag 1020, Bindura. Zimbabwe
  • T. Tayengwa Livestock Identification Trust, Harare, Zimbabwe


Sex of calf, sanga type, mashona, yearling weight


The objective of thisstudy was to evaluate the effects of sex of calf, year of birth, age of calfand age of dam on growth traits of indigenous Mashona calves. The growth traitsunder study were weaning weight (W2), yearling weight (W4) and 600day weight(W6). Data from 1834 purebred Mashona calves were employed, which included calfidentity, year, sex, age, sire and dam, as well as age of dam. The data wasanalysed using the General Linear Models (GLM) procedure of the StatisticalAnalysis System. Tukey’s multiple range tests were performed for testingdifferences between least square means. Weaning weight increased as dam ageincreased up to 10 years after which growth tended to decline. Post-weaningcompensatory growth was apparent in calves of young dams. Male calves grewfaster and were heavier at all stages than female calves. Sex of calf and ageof dam significantly affected calf weaning, yearling and 600day weights. Anumber of years showed a significant difference from each other for all thetraits measured. Records of these traits should always be adjusted for sex ofcalf, year effects and age of dam so as to increase the accuracy of estimationof breeding values as well as rate of genetic gain per generation of selection.


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How to Cite

N. Mangwiro, T., Dhliwayo, M. ., & Tayengwa, T. . (2013). Non genetic factors affecting calf growth traits in mashona cattle. Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 2(8), 222-227. Retrieved from



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