Genetic potentials of Lohi sheep of Multan, Pakistan


  • M. H. lashari Institute of Pure and Applied Biology Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
  • Z. Tasawar Institute of Pure and Applied Biology Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan


Lohi sheep;Birth weight;Adult body weight;Breeding performance


The present study was conducted to determine the geneticparameters of Lohi sheep maintained in Multan, Punjab.  The mean body weight of adult ewe and ram was54.26±2.2, 61.75±2.6 kg, respectively. The males were significantly (P<0.05)heavier than females. The adult body weight showed seasonal variations, maximumin May and minimum in January. The mean birth weight in male and female lambwas (3.91±0.12, 3.52±0.1kg), respectively. Three distinct phases of growth wereseen in lambs.  An initial phase of rapidgrowth (birth-5 months) in which body weight increased from, 3.91±0.12 to26.4±0.27 kg @ 125 g/day, followed by moderate growth period (5-9 months)showing weight increase from 26.4±0.27 to 37.3±0.91 kg @ 76.23 g/day, and thethird slow growth phase (9-13 months), 37.3±0.91 to 44.70±1.02kg with meangrowth rate of 58.14g/day.  Fertilityrate in ewes was 86.3%.  . Twice a yearlambing was none and 16.34% lambing resulted in twin birth. Mean litter sizewas 1.53 per ewe. Lambing occurred in two different season i.e. August toNovember and February to April. In conclusion the Lohi breed has geneticallybetter reproductive performance, birth weight and growth potentials. The lambshave better survival rate. The Lohi sheep has a good breeding potential and arewell adopted to survive under the arid and irrigated condition of the area.


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How to Cite

H. lashari, M. ., & Tasawar, Z. . (2013). Genetic potentials of Lohi sheep of Multan, Pakistan. Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 2(9), 254-263. Retrieved from



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