Researches regarding reproductive parameters in teleorman’s blackhead sheep


  • A. C. Fita Faculty of Animal Sciences, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, 011464, Marasti Boulevard., no. 57, Romania
  • C. Ion Faculty of Animal Sciences, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, 011464, Marasti Boulevard., no. 57, Romania


reproduction; fertility; natality; prolificacy; ewe; sheep


This study is an important part of an ample research regarding the opportunity for establishment of regional centers for artificial insemination, in order to improve milk production. Is very important to know the current level of reproductive performance of population, in order to find the best ways and means for improving reproductive activity. In this case, we analyzed fertility, natality, prolificity, survival, and the percentage of abortions and embryonic mortality. Results obtained reveals a rate of fertility at 99.20% in adult sheeps and at 86.89% for young females (born in January, mated in August - October). Natality, in analyzed flock was at 98.59% for adult sheeps,  98.11% for young females. Prolificity was 130.14% for adults and 121.15% for young females. Survival was better for lambs foaled from adults (94.52%), in comparation with young females (92.06%). Abortions and emrionary mortality was at 1.41% for adults and 1.89% for young ewes. Analyzing obtained datas it is obvious that using of young females for reproduction at 8 - 10 months old involve obtaining of a smaller reproductive indexes. We recommend, in case of use of females for reproduction at 8 - 10 months old, an adequate feeding technique, in order to obtain, in young  ewes, a body weight of at least 50% from adult ewes body weight. Through importance of intensification of reproductive activity, it’s obvious that use of young females from young ages it is a good choice only when body weight is at least at 50 kg ( about 70% from adult body weight).


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How to Cite

C. Fita, A. ., & Ion, C. . (2013). Researches regarding reproductive parameters in teleorman’s blackhead sheep. Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 2(10), 273-276. Retrieved from



Original Article