Effect of nitrogen source and water management on rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency
Nitrogen source, N use efficiency, Prilled urea, Rice, Urea super granule, Water stressAbstract
We conducted two experiments usingprilled urea and urea super granule to examine the effects of nitrogen sourceand water stress on rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency. The experimentaltreatments were 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 kg N ha-1 (experiment 1). Thewater stress treatments were: no fertilizer + continuous standing water, waterstress before first urea top dress, water stress before second urea top dress,water stress before third urea top dress, water stress before first, second andthird urea top dress and all fertilizers+continuousstanding water (experiment 2). The experiment was laid out in a randomizedcomplete block design with four replications. BRRI dhan49 was used as plantingmaterial. Urea super granule at 75 kg N ha-1 was enough for riceproduction in aman season and save 25 kg N ha-1 which was equivalentto 55 kg urea. During application of prilled urea water stress before third topdress performed better than continuous standing water in terms of grain yieldand nitrogen use efficiency.
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