Comparative study on some hatching traits among four close-bred stocks of Japanese quail


  • A. Rehman Department of Poultry Production, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
  • I. A. Qaisrani Department of Poultry Production, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan


Japanese quail, CBS, Hatchability, Fertility, Infertile, Dead germ, Dead in shell%


The aim of study was to evaluate some hatching traits amongfour close-bred stocks (CBS) of Japanese quail at Avian Research and Training(ART) Centre, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan.For this purpose, a total of 144 hatching eggs having 36 eggs of each CBS(Major, Kaleem, Saadat and Zahid) were procured from ART-Centre Hatchery andsubjected to break out analysis. Data were collected regarding hatchability,fertility, infertile eggs, dead germs and dead in shell %. Statistical analysisof data in Completely Randomized Design through one-way ANOVA technique andcomparison of mean using Duncan’s Multiple Range test with the help of SAS 9.1revealed significant differences among four CBS. Significant higherhatchability and fertility % was observed in CBS M as compared to otherswhereas significantly lower infertile eggs % was observed in CBS M as comparedto rest of CBS. However, no significant effect of CBS on dead germ and dead inshell % was observed. It is concluded that CBS had significant effect onhatchability, fertility and infertile egg % among four CBS of Japanese quail.



How to Cite

Rehman, A. ., & A. Qaisrani, I. . (2013). Comparative study on some hatching traits among four close-bred stocks of Japanese quail. Agricultural Advances, 2(11), 288-291. Retrieved from



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