Comparative study on production performance, egg geometry, quality and hatching traits in four close-bred stocks of Japanese quail
CBS;Japanese quail;Production performance;Egg geometry;Egg quality;Hatching traitsAbstract
Present study was conducted to compare four close-bred stocks{Major (M), Kaleem (K), Saadat (S) and Zahid (Z)} of Japanese quail at AvianResearch and Training Centre, UVAS Lahore for the duration of 4 weeks. For thispurpose, 144 birds were equally divided into four experimental groups having 36birds for each CBS. The data were collected regarding production performance,egg quality, geometry and hatching traits. Statistical analysis of data inCompletely Randomized Design (CRD) through one way ANOVA technique andcomparison of mean by using Duncan’s Multiple Range test with the help of SAS9.1 revealed significant differences among feed intake / bird (g), body weight(g), production %, FCR / g egg mass, average egg weight (g), surface area(cm2), volume (cm3), shell thickness (mm), Haugh unit, hatchability, fertilityand infertile egg % whereas livability, yolk index, shape index, dead germ anddead in shell % remained non-significantthroughout the experimental period.
How to Cite
Akram, M. ., Hussain, J. ., Ahmad, S. ., Rehman, A. ., Lohani, F. ., Munir, A. ., Amjad, R. ., & Noshahi, H. . (2014). Comparative study on production performance, egg geometry, quality and hatching traits in four close-bred stocks of Japanese quail. Agricultural Advances, 3(1), 13-18. Retrieved from
Original Article
Copyright (c) 2014 M. Akram, J. Hussain, S. Ahmad, A. Rehman, F. Lohani, A. Munir, R. Amjad, H. Noshahi

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