Nematode as a soil biodiversity indicator


  • Sanaz Shoghi Kalkhoran Ph.D student of Agroecology, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zabol, and P.O. Box: 98615-538, Postal code: 9861335856. Zabol, Iran
  • Ahmad Gholamalizadeh Ahangar Department of Soil Sciences, Faculty of Soil and Water Engineering, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran


biodiversity; indicator; nematode; soil


Nematodes are one of the most abundantanimals on earth. Their food specificity, the high number of species and highabundance in every habitat where decomposition takes place indicates that thestructure of the nematode community has high information content. Since nematodesrespond rapidly to new resources, and the nematode fauna can be efficientlyanalyzed, the structure of the nematode community offers an instrument toassess (changes in) the conditions of soils. Therefore, indicators based onnematode community composition are among the best developed metrics of soilhealth.


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How to Cite

Shoghi Kalkhoran, S. ., & Gholamalizadeh Ahangar, A. . (2014). Nematode as a soil biodiversity indicator. Agricultural Advances, 3(3), 67-73. Retrieved from



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