Effect of biological phosphate and chemical phosphorus fertilizer on yield quality and quantity of Ajowan (Carum copticum) medicinal plant
Ajowan, biological phosphate, essential oil, medicinal plantAbstract
In order to study the effect of biologicalphosphate and chemical phosphorus fertilizer on yield qualityand quantity of Ajowan (Carum copticum) medicinal plant, anexperiment was conducted as factorial experiment in the base of randomizedcomplete blocks design and three replications at research farm of Khorramabad in Lorestan of Iran in 2013. Treatmentsincluded biological phosphate (Pseudomonasputida) at two levelsinoculated and non-inoculated and chemical phosphorus (P2O5) at three levels (Zero, 50 and 100 kg.ha-1). Results showed thateffect of treatments on grain yield, biological yield, harvest index (HI)and essential oil yieldwere statically meaningful, however, there were no significant differencesbetween treatments in about essential oilpercentage. Themeans showed that the greatest plant highest (70 cm), biological yield (1798kg.ha-1), grain yield (475 kg.ha-1) and essential oil yield (17.25 kg.ha-1)were obtained by a treatment of biologicalphosphate+ chemical phosphorus (50 kg.ha-1 P2O5). In general, results of the present study revealed that applicationof biological fertilizers plays a remarkable role in improving quantity and quality of Ajowan and they can be viewed as a suitable replacement forchemical fertilizers.References
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