Use of water quality index and geographical information system to assess groundwater quality
Geographical information system, Water quality index, Contamination, Marvdasht plainAbstract
There are several factorsinfluencing the water quality based on its usage. An attempt has been made tounderstand the ground water quality near the some industrial parts of Marvdashtcity. the following 8 parameters have beenconsidered: pH, dissolved oxygen, BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), Fecalcoliform, temperature, total phosphate, nitrates and total solids, in thegroundwater of three Marvdasht, Kharameh and Zarghan plains, during spring and fall(June-2012 andDecember-2013), to determine spatial distribution of groundwater quality and toidentify places with the best quality for drinking, based on Water QualityIndex calculation and Geographical Information System, due to industrialization,urbanization and agricultural activity. Groundwater samples were collected from120 wells. The values of WQI for all samples were found in the range of 43.3 to80.5 in the spring season while it was 44.7 to 82.3 in the fall season. Inspring 10% and in fall season 7.5% of the water samples in Zaraghan and Dashtbal–Lanetavosi and Kharameh plainsfall within the bad categories based on National Sanitation Foundation (NSF).The analysis reveals that the groundwater of these plains needs some degree oftreatment before consumption, and it also needs to be protected from the perilsof contamination.
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