Nutritional composition of green banana flour irradiated (gluten-free)


  • M. S. Taipina Energy Research Institute and Nucleares-CNEN/SP. Rua Fradique Coutinho 781apt 122 CEP 05416-011 Brazil
  • M. L. Garbelotti Institute Adolfo Lutz - BQ. Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 355, São Paulo, SP Brazil
  • L.C. A. Lamardo Institute Adolfo Lutz - BQ. Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 355, São Paulo, SP Brazil
  • C. S. Balian Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science --FMVZ São Paulo, Av professor Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva, São Paulo, SP, Brazil


Food irradiation, Vitamins, Nutritional properties


The green banana flour (Musa spp.) was treated with gamma irradiation at doses 1.0 and 3.0 kGy and its changes were evaluated in relation to vitamin B1 and C content, besides nutritional properties. Vitamin B1 was determined using fluorescence quantification produced by thiochrome compound. Vitamin C was determined by UV/VIS spectrophotometric method. The physicochemical analyses were performed by standard methods. No loss of vitamins B1 and C was found at assayed g-irradiation doses.  Also, there is no considerable difference for physicochemical properties of the Brazilian green banana flour. As it was showed, the nutritional value of irradiated food is preserved. Then, the application of the irradiation technology for food may be recommended.


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How to Cite

S. Taipina, M., L. Garbelotti, M., A. Lamardo, L., & S. Balian, C. (2014). Nutritional composition of green banana flour irradiated (gluten-free). Agricultural Advances, 3(5), 170-175. Retrieved from



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