Influence of Cymbopogon proximus extract on lipid profile, biochemical hematological and coagulation parameters of hyperlipidemic albino rats


  • Hager Tarek H. Ismail Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, Alzeraa Street, Zagazig City, Sharkia Province, Postal Code 44511, Egypt


Cholestyramine, Cymbopogon proximus, Hypercholesterolemia, Hypolipidemic


The objective of this work was to investigate the possible hypolipidemic activity and side effects of the C. proximus extract  alone and combined with cholestyramine with half therapeutic doses by studying changes in different biochemical, hematological and coagulation parameters beside histopathological evaluation. A total of 50 female albino rats divided into five equal groups: Gp.(1) control, Gp.(2) hyperlipidemic, Gp.(3) hyperlipidemia plus cholestyramine, Gp.(4) hyperlipidemia plus C.proximus extract, Gp.(5) hyperlipidemia plus half therapeutic doses of  cholestyramine and C. proximus extract. At the 29th day of the experiment, blood samples were collected and divided into three portions for biochemical, hematological and coagulation studies. Liver was dissected out for histopathological studies. Treatment of hyperlipidemic rats with C. proximus extract alone or combined with cholestyramine showed marked decrease in different lipid profile values with hepatoprotective activity, lowering lipid peroxidation, increasing antioxidant activity in addition to non significant change in erythrogram, platelets count, leukogram and coagulation markers in compare with hyperlipidemic group. It could be concluded that, combining treatment of C.proximus extract with cholestyramine as a synthetic drug with half therapeutic doses gave a complementary hypolipidemic effect with a fewer side effects than treatment with each therapeutic agent alone.


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How to Cite

Tarek H. Ismail, H. . (2016). Influence of Cymbopogon proximus extract on lipid profile, biochemical hematological and coagulation parameters of hyperlipidemic albino rats. Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances, 5(9), 123-133. Retrieved from



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