Innovating veterinary public health challenges of Bangladesh to integrate the concept of ‘one world, one health’


  • Muhammad Mufizur Rahman Department of Microbiology and Hygiene Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensigh, Bangladesh
  • Muhammad Hasibur Rahman Professor, Community Based Medical College,Mymensigh, Bangladesh


Veterinary public health, Bangladesh, Strategic recommendation


The present paper addresses relevant problems and constraints of VPH in Bangladesh in the light of global concept “One World, One Health” that need to be overcome and to ask for help, coordination and collaboration of international organization to promote and build the capacity for the spectrum of important VPH issues contributing to zoonoses, food-borne disease control, food safety and fostering better and living condition. In Bangladesh the loss of border controls within countries and the globalization of trade have led to an increasing trade in animals and products of animal origin. As a consequence there appears the demand and imperative need for new and elaborate surveillance strategies. The world is changing fast and new diseases are emerging and reemerging across the globe. Many of these new diseases can be linked to animals or changes occurring in environmental conditions. Bangladesh government has launched a collaborative effort and established increased participatory approach and joint venture activities with the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) in respect of capacity building for surveillance and control of zoonotic diseases, and food safety. The four recommendations mentioned below could provide valuable direction to the future VPH program and activities linked to global concept “One World, One Health” These are (1) Development and Strengthening of VPH (2) Formation of Veterinary Public Health Forum (3) Establishment of National Communicable Disease Center (4) Foundation of National Institute of VPH Studies.


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How to Cite

Mufizur Rahman, M. ., & Hasibur Rahman, M. . (2012). Innovating veterinary public health challenges of Bangladesh to integrate the concept of ‘one world, one health’. Scientific Journal of Review, 1(4), 111-129. Retrieved from



Veterinary Medicine