Patterns and scope of investment by cooperative organizations in rural communities of kano state
Modeling, Simulation, Fungi, Mathematical modelAbstract
This study investigated the patterns and scope of investment by cooperative organisations in rural communities of Kano state. It specifically examined the patterns of cooperative investment, Scope of investments of cooperative organisations; Impact of cooperative activities on rural community development, obstacles militating against the effective operations of cooperative organisations. The research design was based on the main tenets of descriptive survey. The sample of the study was 320 participants selected from fourty cooperative societies. It was made up of 200 (72%) males and 120 (23%) females. Three instruments were used to collect data, demographic questionnaire, Questionnaire for members and focus group discussions. The data collected in this study were subjected to chi-square test and descriptive (frequency count). The findings revealed that production is the dominant pattern of cooperative investments, while processing, consumer and multi purpose are also patterns of cooperative investments. The scope of investments of cooperative organization was that Loans to small scale trades, workers loans, commercial activities and agriculture. There was a significant differences in the expressed opinions with regards to how the activities of cooperative organisations are implemented some of the respondents are of the opinions that it is very well, and some said it is some how and others said it is not effective. It was also observed that the activities of cooperatives have impacted positively on the lives of the rural people. Based on these findings it is recommended that there is the need to educate the members in order to enhance their capacity for optimum results, Government should devise a better way for supervising the activities of cooperative organisations and also provide an enabling policy. Cooperative organizations should be organizing adult literacy classes for their members in order to reduce the level of illiteracy in the community and serve as pressure groups.References
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