Justification of Intellectual Property Rights, Using Game Theory Approach


  • Amir Gheisarzadeh Phd scholar in the private Law, , Islamic Azad University, Arabian united states branch
  • Saeid kheradmandy Department of Law, Kermanshah branch Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, IRAN


Intellectual Property Rights , Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, Game Theory


The creation of intellectual rights protection is a challenging task, Since its creation. Protection of the rights and granted the exclusive right to use, Creates the social costs. In other words, Due to lack of access of other people's ,to this invention Economic and industrial development is reduced In contrast, The lack of support for inventors Reduce the incentives for people to produce intellectual property. Therefore, the Legislators to support or not support the creation of intellectual rights , Faced by The challenge to equilibrium Between protecting the Private interests and Motivation for the production of intellectual goods and, And protect social benefits of access to intellectual goods. It must be said that intellectual property rights Directly effective On innovations, inventions and technology transfer Into the country. In this paper, Different perspective on the necessity of protecting the rights and shall be reviewed, To determine why that is and why these rights should be protected and ,What is the basis for this support.


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How to Cite

Gheisarzadeh, A. ., & kheradmandy, S. . (2014). Justification of Intellectual Property Rights, Using Game Theory Approach. Scientific Journal of Review, 3(8), 828-836. Retrieved from https://sjournals.com/index.php/sjr/article/view/485