Assessment of essential trace metals (iron, copper and selenium) and heavy metal (lead) in obese diabetics (type 2 diabetic) patients


  • O. B. Idonije Department of Chemical Pathology, College of Medicine, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria
  • O. A. Onigbinde Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria
  • O. O. Festus Department of Medical Laboratory Science, College of Medicine, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria
  • S. O. Agbebaku Department of Chemical Pathology, College of Medicine, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria
  • G. O. Eidangbe Department of Medical Biochemistry, College of Medicine, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria


Obesity, Trace metal, Heavy Metal, Diabetes Mellitus


It is evident that the metabolism of some trace metals is altered in diabetes mellitus and these micronutrients may have specific roles in the pathogenesis and progression of the disease. The aim of this study was to determine the status of trace elements; iron, copper, selenium and lead in obese diabetic patients. Method: The study was carried out on two hundred and four (204) subjects, aged 20-68yrs which comprised of fifty nine (59) obese diabetic subjects, forty five (45) obese non-diabetic patients, forty (40) non-obese diabetic patients and sixty (60) non-obese non-diabetics (apparently healthy volunteers) as control. The trace metals (Fe, Cu, Se and Pb) studied were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results: The mean levels of Se and Pb were decreased significantly when obese diabetics were compared with control. The Se level was also decreased significantly when obese diabetic was compared with each of obese non diabetic and non obese diabetic. The mean levels of other trace metals studied were decreased when obese diabetics were compared with non obese non diabetics (normal control) although not significant. Values in obese only (OND) subjects were higher than even the controls but this decreased with complication-diabetes mellitus although not statistically significant. In the obese diabetic group, Cu and Se negatively correlated with BMI and this was significant. All trace metals studied significantly correlated positively with BMI in both obese only (OND) and control groups. Conclusion: this study showed that essential trace elements (Fe, Cu and Se) and the toxic trace metal Pb studied were depleted in obese diabetics. It is therefore recommended that Fe, Cu and Se supplementation and therapeutic strategies that will enhance Fe, Cu and Se availability in the body been instituted in obese diabetics.


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How to Cite

B. Idonije, O. ., A. Onigbinde, O. ., O. Festus, O. ., O. Agbebaku, S. ., & O. Eidangbe, G. . (2013). Assessment of essential trace metals (iron, copper and selenium) and heavy metal (lead) in obese diabetics (type 2 diabetic) patients. Scientific Journal of Medical Science, 2(7), 118-123. Retrieved from



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