Evaluation of photo-oxidation effect using TiO2 coated EPS (expanded polypropylene) in the stagnant stream channel


  • Saeromi Lee Environmental and Plant Engineering Research Institute, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, South Korea
  • Chang Hyuk Ahn Environmental and Plant Engineering Research Institute, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, South Korea
  • Jin Chul Joo Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Hanbat National University, South Korea
  • Jae Roh Park Environmental and Plant Engineering Research Institute, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, South Korea


TiO2, Algae blooms, Chlorophyll-a real-time data, TiO2 coated balls


The photocatalyst is not directly applied to the water, because the form of nanoparticle. In this study, we developed a photo-oxidation ball to the improvement of water quality in stagnant water. And we used real-time monitoring data of chl-a to verify the water purification ability of developed balls. TiO2 coated EPS balls were applied to the stagnant channel. We monitored during the algae bloom period. As a result, we could be confirmed that chlorophyll-a was decreased in the installation places the ball during the daytime. However, at night, chlorophyll-a was increased. Algae control by the photo-oxidation balls in the open space was more of a growth inhibition than a remove.


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How to Cite

Lee, S. ., Hyuk Ahn, C. ., Chul Joo, J. ., & Roh Park, J. . (2016). Evaluation of photo-oxidation effect using TiO2 coated EPS (expanded polypropylene) in the stagnant stream channel. Scientific Journal of Environmental Sciences, 5(7), 248-250. Retrieved from https://sjournals.com/index.php/sjes/article/view/376



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