Spatial and seasonal variability in sediment parameters of Amadi-Ama Ckeek, port Harcourt, Nigeria


  • Bameyi Benjamin Otene Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Environment, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
  • S. I. Iorchor Department of Fisheries, Akperan Oshi College of Agriculture, Yandev, Gboko, Benue State, Nigeria


Sediment parameters, variability, Amadi-Ama Creek, Port Harcourt, Season


The spatial and seasonal variability in sediment parameters of Amadi-Ama creek were investigated for 2years (January2009 and December 2010). Sediment  samples collected were analyzed following the standard limnological methods of APHA and values subjected to statistical analysis(p<0.05).The study revealed that only temperature did not exhibit spatial significant difference while other parameters such as pH, conductivity, nitrate, sulphate, phosphate and chlorophyll ‘a’ all differed significantly in both years. By the exception of nitrate and phosphate, all other parameters/nutrients exhibited significant difference seasonally. The parameters and nutrients such as pH, sulphate and chlorophyll ‘a’ recorded higher values in the dry season than the wet season while conductivity was higher in the wet season than the dry season. Temperature, nitrate and phosphate values fluctuate during the period of study. The recorded chlorophyll‘a’values placed Amadi-Ama creek between mesotrophic and euthrophic status.


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How to Cite

Benjamin Otene, B. ., & I. Iorchor, S. (2013). Spatial and seasonal variability in sediment parameters of Amadi-Ama Ckeek, port Harcourt, Nigeria. Scientific Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2(2), 55-62. Retrieved from



Original Article