Ground water quality in some rural area of khathumar thesile at alwar distrit Rajasthan, India


  • A. K. Sharma Department of Botany ,S.S. Jain Subodh Girls Collage, Sanganer Jaipur (Raj.), India
  • R. Sharma Principal ESS. Collage of Education Dayal bag Agra, (U.P.), India
  • N. Sharma Department of Chemistry K.R.(P.G.) Collage, Mathura, (U.P.), India


Ground water;Fluoride;Calcium;Total alkalinity;Total hardness


Wateris a resource basic amenity and Universal Solvent is Shared by population. Thephysic-chemical quality study of Khathumer Thesil of some rural area. The waterquality of 5 Hand pumps of 5 villages. Water Sampal were analyzed with respectto their potability the study revealed that most ground water sampals meetcriteria for drinking water, with the exception of few sample Having HigherValues for fluoride, calcium, Total Hardness and Total alkalinity. The qualityof ground water assessed in the study area is discussed in detail.


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How to Cite

K. Sharma, A., Sharma, R. ., & Sharma, N. . (2014). Ground water quality in some rural area of khathumar thesile at alwar distrit Rajasthan, India. Scientific Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3(1), 1-4. Retrieved from



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