Effect of time and frequency of hand weeding on growth, yield of Lentil (Lens culinaris L. Medic) in the highlands of Bale


  • Reta Dargie Oromia Agricultural Research Institute/Sinana Agricultural Research Center, P.O. Box, 208, Bale-Robe, Ethiopia.
  • Tamiru Meleta Oromia Agricultural Research Institute/Sinana Agricultural Research Center, P.O. Box, 208, Bale-Robe, Ethiopia.
  • Kissi Wakweya Oromia Agricultural Research Institute/Sinana Agricultural Research Center, P.O. Box, 208, Bale-Robe, Ethiopia.


Frequency, Lentil, Time, Weed, Weeding, Yield


Weed is the major production constraints for lentil production in Bale highlands. Its management is quite important to increase the production and productivity of the crop. Therefore, this experiment was conducted at two locations at Sinana research station and Agarfa in 2017/18 and 2018/19 ‘Bona’ cropping season to evaluate time and hand weeding frequency on lentil production. The experiment consisted of eleven hand weeding treatments i.e. weeding at 7, 7 and 14, 14, 14 and 21, 21, 21 and 28, 28, 28 and 35, 35 only, 21, 28 and 35 days after emergence including weedy check. It was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. A field layout was prepared and the treatments were assigned randomly to each plot within a block. The replications, blocks and experimental units were separated by 1.5 m, 1 m, and 1 m respectively. During the study period broad leaved weeds were dominant at Sinana while grass weeds were dominant at Agarfa. Yield and yield components were affected by the treatments. The maximum seed yield was obtained from plots weeded at 14 and 21 days after emergence at Sinana. On the other hand at Agarfa the maximum Seed yield was obtained from 21 and 28 days after emergence. However, to come up with conclusive recommendation, the experiment should be repeated over seasons and locations.


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How to Cite

Dargie, R., Meleta, T. ., & Wakweya, K. (2020). Effect of time and frequency of hand weeding on growth, yield of Lentil (Lens culinaris L. Medic) in the highlands of Bale. Scientific Journal of Crop Science, 9(5), 430-434. Retrieved from https://sjournals.com/index.php/sjcs/article/view/1579



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