The influence of flock dynamics, reproductive performance and mortality on productivity of traditionally managed goats in Sub Saharan Africa


  • Never Assan Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Livestock Prodction, Bulawayo Region, Box 3550, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe


Goat, Flock dynamics, Reproductive performance, Mortality, Smallholder farming sector, Sub Saharan Africa


The current goat production status and contribution to the total meat gross domestic product is still regarded as low in Sub Saharan Africa. Among some of the reasons given for unsatisfactory smallholder goat production contribution to household livelihoods is failure to understand the flock dynamics, production performance and reproductive capacity in smallholder farming sector. It is hoped that the understanding of flock dynamics, reproductive performance traits and production characteristics may assist in formulation of appropriate livestock intervention strategies to improve goat production in smallholder farming sector on the continent. Implementation of sound goat intervention stategies should be based on reproductive and productive performance monitoring data in smallholder livestock sector.  However, it is acknowledged that this approach need to be complemented with other aspects of improved general goat management such as adequate nutrition and health management. The purpose of this discussion is to explore significance of understanding flock dynamics, reproduction and production characteristics in order to increase goat contribution to smallholder household livelihood.


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How to Cite

Assan, N. . (2015). The influence of flock dynamics, reproductive performance and mortality on productivity of traditionally managed goats in Sub Saharan Africa. Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 4(3), 32-41. Retrieved from



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