Some major factors affecting carcass composition in goats


  • Never Assan Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Agriculture Management, Bulawayo Region, Box 3550, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe


Genotype, Nutrition, Castration, Carcass composition, Goat


This review article looks at some major factors that influence carcass composition in goats. The resultant carcass composition of various animal species differs considerably depending on several environmental factors and management practices. These several factors which are within control of animal producers may be manipulated to achieve desirable effects in carcass composition. Some of the factors which have been implicated to cause considerable variation in carcass composition include genetic, nutrition, age at slaughter, sex of animal and weight of animal. Carcass composition  differ among animal species, even within more similar or homogenous groups such as small ruminants and differences are mainly species dependent.



How to Cite

Assan, N. . (2015). Some major factors affecting carcass composition in goats. Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 4(7), 81-88. Retrieved from



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