Non-genetic factors affecting milk yield and composition of Holstein-Friesian cows nested within natural ecological regions of Zimbabwe


  • Godfrey Bernard Nyamushamba Faculty of Agriculture, Women’s University in Africa, P.O.Box, MP 1222, Mt Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • B. Tavirimirwa Department of Research and Specialist Services, Matopos Research Institute P Bag k5137, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
  • N.Y. D. Banana Faculty of Natural Resources Management and Agriculture, Midlands State University, Gweru, Zimbabwe


Natural ecological region; year of calving; milk yield; milk composition


Milk production is affected by genetic and non-genetic factors. Knowledge of these factors is essential for efficient management and accurate estimation of breeding values. The objective of this study was to establish and analyze non-genetic factors which affect milk production and composition in Holstein-Friesian cows. A total of 4 500 milk records from the Zimbabwe Dairy Services Agency (ZDSA) from 1999 to 2004, were used. Natural ecological region, month of calving and year of calving had significant (P<0.05) effect on milk yield, protein and fat composition. Therefore, correction for environmental effects is necessary to increase accuracy of direct selection for milk yield and composition.


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How to Cite

Bernard Nyamushamba, G. ., Tavirimirwa, B. ., & D. Banana, N. (2013). Non-genetic factors affecting milk yield and composition of Holstein-Friesian cows nested within natural ecological regions of Zimbabwe. Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 2(5), 102-108. Retrieved from



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