Mitigating the effect of climate change on Nigerian agricultural productivity


  • I.C. E. Umeghalu Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria
  • J. C. Okonkwo Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria


Anthropogenic, Global warming, Climate change, Mitigate


Advances in technology in addition to natural and other anthropogenic factors exacerbate global warming and triggers climate change. Climate changes have serious repercussion on rainfall pattern of a place and on other micro and macro factors on which agricultural production depends. Nigerian system of agricultural production is still outmoded and immensely depends on natural rainfall together with other climatic factors, and is therefore vulnerable to climatic changes. This paper examines the possible factors effecting climatic changes of the country and advances measures that could mitigate its impacts on the sector. The factors identified include deforestation, overgrazing, gas flaring, land clearing, bush burning, and measures advocated are selection of livestock’s and crops that will adapt easily to the climate regimes of the country; use of drought resistant crops, healthy seedlings, and disease resistant animals and crops; adoption of practices to minimize CO2 emission/ climate change; legislative acts that will minimize gas flaring, bush burning, excessive land clearing, among others.


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How to Cite

E. Umeghalu, I., & C. Okonkwo, J. (2012). Mitigating the effect of climate change on Nigerian agricultural productivity. Agricultural Advances, 1(4), 61-67. Retrieved from



Review Article