Seasonal variability in some physicochemical parameters of water of AMADIAMA creek, Niger delta


  • B. B. Otene Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, Rivers State University of Science and Technology Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  • S. I. Iorchor Department of fisheries, Akperan Oshi College of Agriculture, Yandev, Gboko Benue State, Nigeria


Seasonal variability, Physicochemical parameters, Amadi-Ama Creek, Niger Delta


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How to Cite

B. Otene, B., & I. Iorchor, S. (2013). Seasonal variability in some physicochemical parameters of water of AMADIAMA creek, Niger delta. Scientific Journal of Zoology, 2(1), 1-5. Retrieved from



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