Modeling and simulation of fungi transport in waste dump site in Obioakpor, rivers Stater of Nigeria
Modeling, Simulation, Fungi, Mathematical modelAbstract
Modeling and simulation of fungi transport in waste dump site has been evaluated. Mathematical model were developed considering all the variables in the system that influence transport process of fungi to ground water aquifers. Geologic history was found to influence the fast transport of fungi as presented in the figure. More so rapid increase of microbial growth were found to be influenced by porosity and permeability of the soil, geomorphology and geochemistry of the strategraphic were found insignificant on the transport process, these were experienced on high rate of microbial increase or growth as presented in the figure, the present of inhibitors (heavy metals) were also found to be insignificant, the study recommend that the derived model should be thoroughly apply to improve ground water quality in the study location.References
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