Survey Affects of Effective Factors on Contracts for Development of South Pars Gas Field


  • Majid Ahmadian University of Tehran. Faculty of Economics, Tehran Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Vida Varahrami University of Tehran. Faculty of Economics, Tehran Iran, Islamic Republic of


South Pars Gas Field, Offshore Gas Resource, Risk Aversion, Asymmetric Information, Buy-Back Contract


Exploration and extraction contracts are the main tool for using foreign new technologies for development of offshore oil and gas resources. Some factors such as risk aversion of owner country and foreign company, oil and gas price and asymmetric information have effects on value of contracts. These factors are so important in developing of contracts for extraction from offshore resources as South Pars Filed in Iran, exactly in some contracts such as buyback contracts.


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How to Cite

Ahmadian, M. ., & Varahrami, V. . (2013). Survey Affects of Effective Factors on Contracts for Development of South Pars Gas Field. Scientific Journal of Review, 2(5), 122-127. Retrieved from


