Rural tourism, with an emphasis on sustainable development, case studies, Shian Temple and Milmilgah Temple, the district of Islamabadgharb
rural tourism, sustainable development, fire, Islamabadgharb (district)Abstract
Rural tourism is one of the relatively new field in rural sustainable development, which could, opportunities and possibilities, especially for rural employment and income, to provide an effective role in the restoration and renovation of rural areas, to play. West of Islamabad district, despite the abundant tourism potentials and capabilities, as well as for tourists unfamiliarTherefore, the sample rurals of tourist attractions and district planning tailored to the special geographical conditions seem necessary. The pioneering research efforts which, while explaining the principles and concepts of rural tourism, and its close connection with the issue of sustainable development in rural areas, with emphasis on library research and conceptual analysis in the study of Shian Temple and Milmilgah Temple, the district of Islamabadgharb, who belongs to the Sassanid era must be paid.
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