Presence of volatile organic compound (VOCs) in the atmosphere of Ilupeju industrial area, Lagos state, Southwestern - Nigeria


  • C. C. Ojiodu Department of Chemical Sciences, Yaba College of Technology, Yaba - Lagos, Nigeria
  • E. G. Olumayede Department of Chemical Sciences, Ondo - State University of Science and Technology, Ondo - State, Nigeria
  • T. R. Kuteyi Department of Chemical Sciences, Yaba College of Technology, Yaba - Lagos, Nigeria


Chromatography, Sampler, Concentration, Industrial, Meterological


Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate  matter or  biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to human or  other living  organisms. The atmosphere has always  served as a  disposal  area.  Air samples were collected by passive sampler  (ORSA  5). The air samplers were exposed  to a height  of  1.5  -  2.0 m and sampling was carried  out four times a month for a period of  12 months. The adsorbed VOCs were desorbed with carbondisulphide (CS2) and the solution  analysed using Gas Chromatography (Gc) fitted  with  Flame Ionization  Detector  (FID). The results from analysis of  the air  samples  showed that twenty - Six  (26) VOCs were  captured  in  the  Industrial area. The  VOCs in the industrial area were  classified thus: aromatics 43%,  halogenated 40%, esters 2%, ketones 6%, alcohols 5%,  ethers  4%. There  is a significant  difference (Pvalue <  0.05) between the levels of VOCs in  Ilupeju industrial area. The meteorological parameters showed  significant correlations  with  the  ambient  concentrations  of  VOCs. The principal  component analysis revealed that the major  sources  of  VOCs in the industrial  area are  mainly anthropogenic and Six  (6)  factors were identified  as sources  of  VOCs in  the studied  industrial areas with  industrial  emissions dominating.


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How to Cite

C. Ojiodu, C., G. Olumayede, E. ., & R. Kuteyi, T. . (2013). Presence of volatile organic compound (VOCs) in the atmosphere of Ilupeju industrial area, Lagos state, Southwestern - Nigeria. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 2(11), 369-378. Retrieved from


