Education management style on the performance of teachers in Arak city


  • Masoud Safari Aliakbari Department of Geography, Payame Noor University, Tehran, I.R of IRAN


management, style, education , teacher, school


One of the mostelegant and the most effective management , management training , because thistype of management, the learning process of learning, increase productivity,educational organizations, and goals of each of the courses has a lot of impact. Than the most important management practices that enhance creativity,innovation and productivity, human capital and education, we emphasized on thetechniques of management style. The study , based on the method ofanalysis-statistical, and utilization of available resources, the managementstyle of managers, motivating teachers to primary and secondary schools in thecity of Arak has paid. In other words, The aim of this study is EducationManagement Style on the Performance of Teachers in Arak City. The resultsindicate that management, school administrators, in terms of motivation,authoritarian-Charity style and very amenable to consultative style, and theinteraction parameters-influence, authoritarian - charitably style inclinedconsultative style, and the index the decision, authoritarian- benevolentstyle, and in terms of administrative and training purposes,authoritarian-Charity style and consultative style is somewhat bowed. However ,a direct relationship between management style and job satisfaction of teachersin  Arakcity schools there. The significant level of zero , which is smaller than 0.01,indicates that the correlation between two variables, management style and jobsatisfaction is significant. Thus, 99 percent, say between two variables,management style and job satisfaction , there is a correlation.


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How to Cite

Safari Aliakbari, M. . (2013). Education management style on the performance of teachers in Arak city. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 2(12), 394-400. Retrieved from


