Population trends and developments in Kermanshah during 1966-2011, and its future prospects


  • Masood Safari Ali Akbari Department of Geography, Payame Noor University, Tehran, I.R. of IRAN
  • Bahram Soleimani Senior experts Kermanshah Governor, Iran


Cities, Urbanization, Kermanshah


Cities and urbanization in the last decades, it has undergone enormous changes, so that in recent decades, the number of urban and spatial development, the scale is unprecedented. City of Kermanshah, in center of Kermanshah Province, not far from these developments, and according to geographical location (the center of the West Country, ) and its relationship to the West direction - south, in recent decades, population increases have been high.  This paper aims to examine population changes Kermanshah, ( during the years 1966 to, 2011) was performed in addition to analyzing the process of transformation, and to recognize the causes and contributing factors in the current situation, a better understanding can be reached, as appropriate, plan for the future, be provided.


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How to Cite

Ali Akbari, M. S. ., & Soleimani, B. . (2014). Population trends and developments in Kermanshah during 1966-2011, and its future prospects. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(2), 88-94. Retrieved from http://sjournals.com/index.php/sjpas/article/view/931


