Study of people’s logical punishment in French law


  • R. Parvin Department of Law, Kermanshah Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran
  • M. Hariri Department of Law, Kermanshah Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran
  • K. Mohammadi Department of Arabic, Kermanshah Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran


logical persons, the identity of logical personality, punishment duty, the region of punishment, legislative people’s punishment duty, general law, the guarantee of operation


The responsibility of punishment is the border of crime and punishment. It is one’s duty, necessity and option in the conclusion of punishment. The responsibility of punishment among legislators is subjective in French law. Regarding articles 2-121 of new, French crime law, legislative people (other than those of government) are responsible for people’s crimes, then they are not deprived. The new, crime law of criminology instruction originate from novice neoclassism, social, novice movement, their effects are visible in criminology. Furthermore, the organ of punishment crime tries to save those who have hurt especially in mortal events. Meanwhile, the principle of common sense is against the legislative reference which is visible in the people’s punishment.


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How to Cite

Parvin, R. ., Hariri, M. ., & Mohammadi, K. . (2014). Study of people’s logical punishment in French law. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(4), 198-202. Retrieved from