The study of the influence of training anger management skills on increasing intimacy between couples (case study, Ghaen counseling center)
anger management, couples intimacyAbstract
While angeris a fulfilling emotion, it can be destructive too that balances our innerstructure and prepares us to confront the potential errors in our surroundings.Since anger management is one of the life skills, this study tries toinvestigate the influence of training anger management skills on increasingintimacy between couples. The present study is a pilot study of pre- andpost-test with control group that was carried out on clients with issues ofmarital discord in Family Counseling Center in Ghaen City in 2012-2013.samplegroup enumerated voluntarily who consisted of 60 people and divided into twoequal groups of test and control (30 people). Both groups filled seventeen-question questionnaire of intimacy scale (IS) then test group took part in 12sessions of 90 minutes in anger management but the control group didn’t takepart in those classes. After the program, both groups filled the questionnairesagain. Mean andstandard deviation were used for analyzing the data at descriptive level and atinferential level multi- variable covariance analysis and mono-variableMankuvankova showed that components at pre and post test stages revealed thattraining anger management had significant relationship with couples intimacy.References
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