An analysis of the consequences of the phenomenon of urbanization, and pollution of the cities, using economic evaluation models
urban, urbanization, pollution, per capita income, energy, IranAbstract
Increasing concerns about global warming and climate change in recent is more serious. Weather problems, along with the accumulation of dirt on the economy and other aspects of human life, they affect. Urban growth and urbanization, the most striking feature of social change - the economy, has been in the last two centuries. Presently the growth of cities, especially in developing countries under led to urbanization, coupled with the loss of environmental and human ecology is. In this period, urbanization rate increased so, see a lot of opportunities for improving the quality of life is severely limited. High rates of population growth and the growth of cities and urbanization, and the more it increases the number of vehicles, some of which increase the energy consumption in this country. Of, the consequences of urbanization society, including its effects on air pollution-which is itself a factor in the reduced quality of life in cities and towns, is limited comfort range-necessity in field studies, geography, economics, urban planning and ecological environment can be. The effects of urban growth and urbanization-as is variable in modern times, especially in recent decades, cause large changes in the spatial structure of economic and Iran-In addition, variables such as energy consumption and emissions of air pollution on per capita income,, will be analyzed. The results show that, with the growth of cities and urbanization in Iran has been a shift to increased energy consumption and more pollution.
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