The Toxicity Effect of Vanadium on Artemia franciscanna and Artemia urmiana


  • Mehrnaz Baniamam PhD.Student Marine Biology, IRAN
  • Nima Pourang Iranian Fisheries Research Organization, P.O.Box; 141455 – 6116, Tehran, IRAN


Vanadium, Bioaccumulation, Artemia urmiana, Artemia franciscana


The presened research was carried out in order to study how the toxicity of such heavy metals as vanadium affects on the remains of nauplius and the growth and life cycle of Artemia urmiana and Artemia franciscanna. The  in 24 h of A. urmiana and A. franciscana exposed to vanadium were 0.0107 ,0.011 mg/l respectively. In growth experiments, the length of animals was considered as growth index. Results indicates that the mean length of animals in (0.001, 0.002 and 0.003 mg/l) V on first, 5th, 7th and 11th days of life significantly decreases in comparison with control groups (p<0.05).Bioaccumulation of V in the same concentration, after 24 h in nauplius and also in adults of A. urmiana and A. fransicana were statistically significantly higher than of the control groups (P < 0.05). Both species accumulate vanadium in their bodies. However A. urmiana is more resistant to the heavy metals. Results show, vanadium is high toxic on Artemia.


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How to Cite

Baniamam, M. ., & Pourang, N. . (2014). The Toxicity Effect of Vanadium on Artemia franciscanna and Artemia urmiana. Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 3(7), 710-716. Retrieved from



Biological Sciences