Measuring the trend of people to participate in restoration of worn-out textures


  • Amir Asadi M.A student of Geography and urban planning, Ferdowsi University Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Hossein Azizi M.A student of Geography and urban planning, Tarbiat Modarres University
  • Ghazale Rabani Abolfazli PhD researcher of natural crises engineering research unit and index-based passive defense Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Amir Pour Rajayi MA student of Geography and urban planning of Payam-e Noor University of Rezvanshahr Sadughi, Yazd Iran, Islamic Republic of


Participation, Social correlation, Residents of district, Worn-out texture, Shadkhaneh Neyriz district


Wearing out the urban texture, specially, when itcomes to be an obvious characteristic of a district as a living cell ofmunicipal life and a part of city system, its effects go beyond the andencompasses the whole city system. Developing the collaborative work andcreating the collective energy resulting from participation of owners andresidents of worn out cities is a fundamental strategy which should be regardedby the officials and municipals. In this research, in order to measure thetrend of people to participate in restoration of worn out textures of Shadkhanehdistrict in Neyriz, questioners were used as a tool of data collection. Thesample includes residents of Shadkhaneh district. With regard to Morgan Table,360 samples were selected but to reach better results, 400 questionnaires werecompleted. GIS and SPSS software were used for data analysis. The results ofthis study showed that people participate less and different factors involve inthis issue. Finally, correlation test was done between the variables whichsuggested that there is significant correlation between the location dependenceand public participation, social connection and public participation and alsoawareness and social participation.


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How to Cite

Asadi, A. ., Azizi, H. ., Rabani Abolfazli, G. ., & Pour Rajayi, A. . (2020). Measuring the trend of people to participate in restoration of worn-out textures. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(7). Retrieved from


