Solutions for urban climate modification and their effects on energy usage in Tehran (Capital of Iran)


  • Roozbeh Arabi Islamic Azad University, Khomein Branch, Department of Architecture, Khomein, Iran


Urban Heat Island (UHI), Mitigation Strategies, Human Health, Modification Scale


It has been proved that urbanization and urban development has a significant effect on climate. Urban climate is totallydifferent from the suburbs. Manipulation in urban areas intensifies this effector alleviates it. This paper reviews the previous reports and papers on theseeffects concisely. A set ofinternational studies prove that urban alteration has a significant impact onenergy usage in buildings. Precise studies on this issue are being performed inscientific communities all over the world which have been addressed in thispaper. Nowadays, researchers and governors areinterested in decreasing the negative effects of overheated summers. Summerurban heat island in Iran leads to more heat strokes,heat exhaustions and building cooling demand. On the contrary, Urban HeatIsland (UHI) results in less building heating demand, less frostbite and coldweather related diseases. Therefore, during the urban planning process, therelated issues with urban climate must be considered.



How to Cite

Arabi, R. . (2014). Solutions for urban climate modification and their effects on energy usage in Tehran (Capital of Iran). Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(7), 553-558. Retrieved from


