Urban sustainable development (Case study Darreh Shahr city)


  • Azim Ali Shaei Academic trainer, Geography and urban planning department and faculty member of Payame Noor University,. PO BOX: 19395-3697 Tehran, Iran
  • Maryam Amouzadeh Invited academic trainer of Payam-e Noor University of DarrehShahr, MA of Biology


Development, Urban Sustainable Development, Sustainable city. Dahreshar city


Appraisement and report of cities sustainable development have started in some counties especially in the developed countries,for some years and their main goal is investigating the sustainability or unsustainability of development of cities. According to the investigation of varying parts ofcity and its comparison with country average, it is found that most of socialeconomic and environmental indices are low in comparison with the average valueof the country. Keeping the livestock, low per capita of green area, problems of potable water, weakness of thegarbage collection system, incompetence in wastewater disposal, constructions,air pollution, urban traffic and etc. are the problems of this city making unstable environmental, social and economic conditions of Dahreshar city. Basedon the lack of clarification of all aspects of a sustainable city andimpossibility of presenting the definite solutions to achieve the sustainablecity, there are some solutions to achieve the urban sustainable development ofDahreshar city such as: Increasing urban use density, reduction of reliance oncars in transportation (especially personal cars), modification of citymanagement system, protection and renovation of natural systems around city,reduction of resources consumption to decline the pollutions. It seems that thebasic cause of unsustainability of Dahreshar is dedicated to weakness of citymanagement, and urban management review if presented for its solution (e.g. definiteauthority, plans, goals and executive methods and etc).


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How to Cite

Shaei, A. A. ., & Amouzadeh, M. . (2014). Urban sustainable development (Case study Darreh Shahr city). Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(7), 506-515. Retrieved from http://sjournals.com/index.php/sjpas/article/view/623


