Review the effective processes and mechanism in development of informal settlements in Tabriz metropolis emphasizing on urban boundaries


Informal settlement, Tabriz metropolis, metropolitan boundaries


Informal settlement with its different effects on the cities in general andmetropolis specifically, indicates weaknesses in managerial programs andpolicies in different local, national and transnational level. This has beendefined as a challenge in managerial system of metropolis, influencing itsboundaries in different aspects. Informal settlement usually develops in themarginal parts of metropolis, beyond the urban development boundaries and in aself-driven manner. In this way it influences the standard boundaries ofmetropolis in different aspects. Tabriz metropolis has faced the problem indifferent periods of time, influenced and was influenced by it through itsstructural and performance system. In this paper we study the effective processin development of informal Tabriz metropolis settlements and determine theinteraction of informal settlement in this city. This is ananalytical-descriptive research in which data has been collected from therelative information from field and library studies. Research findings indicatethe fact that Tabriz metropolis, for its conditions and for centralization ofjob opportunities is the first city in the region experiencing informalsettlements. This has resulted in broad immigration from villages to the city,the main reasons of which can be economic poverty, unemployment in the originin one hand and economic and employment opportunities in destination(representing centralization of sources and services in destination). Theprocess has with time influenced by different structures, the spatial elementsof Tabriz metropolis and its urban boundaries.


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How to Cite

Review the effective processes and mechanism in development of informal settlements in Tabriz metropolis emphasizing on urban boundaries. (2014). Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 3(7), 481-490. Retrieved from


