Study and research on the possibility of benefitting from nanotechnology in architecture design of buildings of Tehran city with emphasize on the viewpoints of construction industry specialists and experts


  • Amin Akbari Student of M.Sc. in Architecture, Pardisan Fereydounkenar Institute of Higher Education
  • Mahdi Akbari Student of M.Sc. in Architecture, Maziar Institute of Higher Education, Rooyan-Nour
  • Elham Yavari Student of M.Sc. in Architecture, Pardisan Fereydounkenar Institute of Higher Education


Nanotechnology, construction industry, optimized materials, Tehran City, engineers and specialists


Nano is extracted from the Greek word of “Nanos”meaning midget. Nanotechnology defines the behavior of materials in nanometerscales (m10-9), and in this scale, the materials behave completelydifferent from the behaviors perceived in the macro scale as much as today, theresearchers and industrialists in nano field try to use this technology tocreate optimized materials to be used in construction industry. The presentpaper has aimed at knowing the degree of knowledge of the construction industryengineers and experts on nano application in developing buildings, as theinitial ground for its development and promotion in the society. In typologyterm, the research is descriptive-analytical and in the category, it is anapplied research. The statistical society of the research consists of allmembers of Engineering Association Organization of Tehran. 332 of the membersof mentioned Association were selected systematically at random by using CochranFormula and were questioned directly by using questionnaires as data collectiontool. The collected data was analyzed in SPSS software environment and wastested by using a comparative single T test. The results of the research showedthat the mean average calculated on the knowledge of construction industryengineers and specialists in this city on the proportion of applications ofprocessed materials by using nano was slightly more than the expected meanaverage.


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How to Cite

Akbari, A. ., Akbari, M. ., & Yavari, E. . (2014). Study and research on the possibility of benefitting from nanotechnology in architecture design of buildings of Tehran city with emphasize on the viewpoints of construction industry specialists and experts. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(7), 474-480. Retrieved from


