A comparative study on housing renovation policies in earthquake-prone countries


  • Shiva Heidarzadeh Master of Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research, Kerman, IRAN
  • Hooman Mesgarian Department of Geography, Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch , Semnan, Iran, Member of Young Researchers and Elites Club, mesgarian
  • Maryam Fadaii Ghotbi PhD in Urban Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Kerman branch, IRAN


crisis, housing, renovation, renovation policies


Givensubstantial contribution of housing inhuman life and geographical position of Iran in Alpine-Himalayancollision belt, it seems urgent to deal with that in case of absence ofreasonable and correct management approaches for post-earthquake housingrenovation, wide varieties of socioeconomic issues and catastrophes will emerged. hence, in respect tosome drawbacks while houses renovatingin earthquake-stricken areas of Iran, the present research aims at comparative analysis of housingrenovation policies of some earthquake-prone countries in order to promoterenovation policies in Iran. To satisfy this end, a comparative study was conductedon housing renovation policies among Iran, china, Japan, India and Indonesiausing descriptive-analytical approach. The results showed Iran's weakness in someareas such as zoning hazard-prone area while renovation, compliance to seismicstrength criteria, and superiority in programs such as materials availabilityand government investment on affairs in which people are not involved. Eventuallyto compensate such shortcomings, some guidelines for promote renovation plan inIran are suggested.


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How to Cite

Heidarzadeh, S. ., Mesgarian, H. ., & Fadaii Ghotbi, M. . (2014). A comparative study on housing renovation policies in earthquake-prone countries. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(7), 462-473. Retrieved from http://sjournals.com/index.php/sjpas/article/view/619



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